Hongkong Post e-Cert

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Renewal of e-Cert

  1. e-Cert (Personal) certificate
  2. e-Cert (Organisational) certificate
  3. e-Cert (Encipherment) certificate
  4. e-Cert (Server) certificate
  5. e-Cert (Organisational Role) certificate
  6. Bank-Cert (Personal) certificate
  7. Bank-Cert (Corporate) certificate
  8. Bank-Cert (Bank) certificate
  9. g-Cert (Individual) certificate
  10. g-Cert (Functional Unit) certificate
  11. iAM Smart-Cert certificate

1. e-Cert (Personal) certificate

1.1 Extension of Subscription Period (applicable to e-Cert (Personal) only)

1.2 Certificate Renewal

e-Cert (Personal)

Table 1

Extend Subscription Period

Certificate Renewal
Online Application
[Pay Now]
[Apply Now]
Attend to any post offices in person YES YES
[Download Form]
Reply the "Subscription Expiry Notice" email to enquiry@eCert.gov.hk with e-Cheque attachment YES
[Importand Note]

e-Cert (Personal) with "Mutual Recognition" Status

Table 2
  Certificate Renewal
Online Application YES
[Apply Now]
Attend to any post offices in person e-Cert Token (SafeNet) Users
YES [Download Form]

e-Cert Token (FEITAIN) Users
YES [Download Form]

2. e-Cert (Organisational) certificate

3. e-Cert (Encipherment) certificate

4. e-Cert (Server) certificate

5. e-Cert (Organisational Role) certificate

6. Bank-Cert (Personal) certificate

7. Bank-Cert (Corporate) certificate

8. Bank-Cert (Bank) certificate

9. g-Cert (Individual) certificate

10. g-Cert (Functional Unit) certificate

11. iAM Smart-Cert certificate

NOTE: All download documents can be read with Acrobat Reader.

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